Neues aus Little-Deutschland

Endlich ist es soweit. Nach der letzten Veröffentlichung meiner Erfindung zur Herstellung von Methanol
Habe ich schon die ersten konkreten Anfragen mit genauen Detailfragen.
Natürlich ist das jetzt das Ausland, aber das sind dedizierte Hersteller von Fuel Cell Brennstoffzellen und Katalysatoren für Synthesen von Kohlenwasserstoffen wie Methanol aus Kohlenstoff-Dioxid

In den nächsten Wochen wird sich zeigen, ob aus den konkreten Anfragen konkrete Angebote resultieren.
Ich habe zumindest die Anregung gemacht, dass ich die Erfindung gerne in professionellem Umfeld sofort mit einem Team installieren würde.

Also : Abwarten

Equipment for Testing a method, where the catalyst is under a changing magnetic field whilst working

The test setup was quite simple, but confirmed its principle. The task was to find out, if a changing magnetic field would effect the particles of the catalyst.
It showed at the given conditions the convertion rate of the catalyst increased.

To build up a tube reaktor with an internal electric coil, you have to bring in 2 wires by an isolated sealing.
Since it is a coil, the wire has to be isolated against the catalyst inside or even fixed by an insulating mesh to build a coil

I build up the coil that way. But it might also be usefull to bring in the wire at the front and at the end of the pipe on 2 separate insulation seals.
The wiring was quite simple. For best effects it should be as much loops as possible.

To isolate the coil against the reactor, I took a glas tube which fitted exactly to the inner diameter of the reactor.

Finally I checked if there would not be any shortcuts on several ways.
The inner tube was finally filled with the catalyst.

Around the reactor I isolated the tube and winded a kanthal wire around it and finally I fixed the mantle.

To generate a simple alternate currency I used a transformer and a shunt resistor.

For the pre-mixing of the synthese gases I took a ratio of 2 H2 : 1 CO2.
But the ratio should be 3:1.

The premixid gases were pressured up to 20 bar

The output fluerate was set by a hoke microvalve.

The results were measured by a modified Shimadzu GC Gaschromatograph System 14 A+B
The measuring probes were done by a 1 microliter Hamilton syringe.

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