Neues aus Little-Deutschland

Development of the dense plasma focus for short-pulse applications


The dense plasma focus (DPF) has long been considered a compact source for pulsed neutrons and has traditionally been optimized for the total neutron yield. In this paper, we describe the efforts to optimize the DPF for short-pulse applications by introducing a reentrant cathode at the end of the coaxial plasma gun. The resulting neutron pulse widths are reduced by an average of 21±9% from the traditional long-drift DPF design. Pulse widths and yields achieved from deuterium-tritium fusion at 2 MA are 61.8±30.7 ns FWHM and 1.84±0.49×1012 neutrons per shot.




Physics of Plasmas 24, 012702 (2017);

  N. Bennett1, M. Blasco1, K. Breeding1, D. Constantino1, A. DeYoung2, V. DiPuccio1, J. Friedman1, B. Gall1, S. Gardner1, J. Gatling1, E. C. Hagen1, A. Luttman1, B. T. Meehan1, M. Misch1, S. Molnar1, G. Morgan2, R. O'Brien1, L. Robbins1,   R. Rundberg2, N. Sipe1, D. R. Welch3, and V. Yuan2


Lithium Ionen Reaktor Hirsch 1968
Fusion und Plasma Aufbau bei TAE
Hochspannung: Van-de-Graaff Beschleuniger
Gleichspannungsgenerator für Teilchenbeschleunigung
Fusor Farnsworth-Hisch
